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Monday, March 23, 2009

Everything this week has been pretty good. We had zone conference on Friday and interviews with president on Saturday. In my interview he said, that I am no longer a young missionary. It really made me think how long I have been out. It has gone by so fast it is just total craziness. Last Monday we were helping Bro. Maynard with his horses and mending a gate. Whenever we go over there we have a lot of work to do. There is always something to be done so it is fun. I get to play rancher/cowboy.
On Saturday coming back from glimer we were with the Maynard's and our high priest group leader. They were in Gilmer for a missionary meeting with our area seventy. We stopped at a gas station and Bro Ford (hp group leader) asked the cashier is she would read the Book of Mormon she didn't know what it was so we gave one to her and explained it and then taught part of the plan of salvation because her mom dided five years ago. She agreed to meet with the missionaries and everything. It was really cool actually.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Anybody need their horse shod?

Here is Elder Richmond on his P-day helping a member shoe a horse. Just like when he was little and he helped his Dad with all of the horses. Not sure if you noticed but he is wearing cowboy boots, wranglers, and a cowboy shirt............:)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

He is always up to something.......:)

So here is Elder Richmond on a barrell, this kid is a pro bull rider so Kenny wanted to give it a try.
Ever since my kids were old enough to talk I have always pointed out beautiful things of nature, of course they always teased me, "yeah, yeah, yeah Mom" is what I would hear. I told them that it was Heavenly Father letting you know He is in charge. Well look what Elder Richmond sent really does pay off!! Isn't this the coolest picture?